We're coming closer....
Well after sometime, i finally had the chance to write and post another write up for this site. So what's with the title anyway, What do I meant by saying "We're coming closer"? After the very long wait, my charming (^_^) betterhalf had finally got his first ever job!!! Well that is something to celebrate about isn't it? hehehe... So he is working double time in this firm(really?) and with a partime job (thanks to our friend), and guess what...he finally finds his place in our family who oftentimes thinks he is "useless"... I don't know why they come up with that mindsetting but it sucks me really hard!!! Enough of that non-sense family thing of mine... So my betterhalf having this source of our monetary needs seems to have the chance to finally have us caged in a house, I mean home. Which all my life am I am waiting for... Soon I'll be having to have you hear "wedding bells" ringing.. nahhh... |